Bellini's Reading List
[ * Titles Marked with Asterisk Appear on the BEST NOVELS List ]
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-- 2010 --
01 Oil!
by Upton Sinclair
Apparently, Paul Thomas Anderson based the movie 'There Will Be Blood' on the first 150 pages of this book. Having finished it, I can completely understand why - it was the best 150 pages. The latter 400 had their moments, but were mostly filled with long-winded subplots about socialism. GRADE: C+
02 Freakonomics
by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
When I finally got around to reading this book I had heard so much about, I was slightly disappointed that it was actually rather short. Disappointed because it was a really fun read. Maybe not as amazing as the buildup had suggested, but I have found myself asking interesting questions and thinking somewhat differently. GRADE: B
03 No Angel
by Jay Dobyns (and Nils Johnson-Shelton)
Outstanding! It's not often that book allows me to say that I couldn't put it down, but this memoir by an ATF agent in Arizona who, for two years, went undercover with the Hells Angels was nothing short of spectacular. Every page, every story, every detail was gripping and the stuff of movies. Overall, it left me frustrated for the man and for our legal system. GRADE: A+
04 Who Moved My Cheese?
by Spencer Johnson, M.D.
This is a really REALLY short book - the kind you can finish in about an hour. However, short as it may be, it is sweet with equal acclaim. Basically, it's about accepting and adapting to change in your life. My mom and dad both read this and left it at my house during their recent visit. I decided to give it a whirl, and I found it pretty inspiring and uplifting. Anyway, it doesn't take much effort to get through this, and it's worth it. GRADE: B+
05 Happy Hour is for Amateurs
by The Philadelphia Lawyer
This was just a fun, easy read authored by a nameless lawyer. From sex to drugs to alcohol, he lets us enter his past life of going through law school and working his way up in the legal field. It's funny and somewhat interesting, but it's not a life-changing piece of literature. I enjoyed it for what it was, and that was good enough for me. GRADE: B
06 What is the What
by Dave Eggers
This was one of the best books I have ever read. Though technically a novel, it is true life tale of a Sudanese Lost Boy who endures more hardship than one could ever imagine, only to eventually come to America and face even more suffering. No spoilers, here. The story goes back and forth between his new life in the United States and his old life in Africa. This is the second Dave Eggers book I have read, and I'm convinced he is a true genius. GRADE: A+
07 Garcia: An American Life
by Blair Jackson
Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead are, without question, the artists who fill my personal airwaves more than anyone else. So, it was great to dive into this very thorough and honest look back at his life. In some regards I was disappointed in his self-destruction and awful parenting, but, overall, you come to realize that this was a brilliant and complicated man whose own daughters even understood that, despite his massive failures, he was special beyond words. A great read for any serious Dead Head! GRADE: B+
08 Nam-A-Rama
by Phillip Jennings
This was amazingly similar to Catch-22, but set during the Vietnam War. At times it was a bit too zany, but, overall, it was a fun work of fiction. The characters were amusing and well thought out, but the overall plot was sort of over the top to the point of absurd. GRADE: B
09 The Boys from the Mersey
by Nicholas Allt
In progress...
-- 2009 --
01 Crime Scene -- Mitch Gelman
Great memoir of crime reporting in NYC. Worked w/ Mitch at
02 Merle's Door -- Ted Kerasote
A beautiful, thought-provoking read for anyone who loves dogs.
03 Heart of Darkness* -- Joseph Conrad
Good book. Not great. Apocalypse Now definitely took it further.
04 Treasure Island* -- Robert Louis Stevenson
Loved it! Gripping throughout. Perfect for kids and adults.
05 The Big Necessity -- Rose George
A book all about human waste and sanitation... fascinating! Go hug your toilet.
06 Are YOU Dave Gorman? -- Dave Gorman & Danny Wallace
Fantastic! Two Brits go on a pointless journey to meet 54 other Dave Gormans.
07 My Traitor's Heart -- Rian Malan
Fantastic look at racial conflict in South Africa, as told by the Afrikaner author.
08 Where Men Win Glory -- Jon Krakauer
Wonderfully researched (frustrating) account of the death of Pat Tillman.
09 Chasing Lincoln's Killer -- James L. Swanson
Apparently written for young adults, but still a great history of John Wilkes Booth.
-- 2008 --
01 The Grapes of Wrath* -- John Steinbeck
Wonderful! Relevant! Deserving of its masterpiece status.
02 The Miracle of Castel di Sangro -- Joe McGinniss
Fantastic from start to finish, though thoroughly depressing at the end.
03 Brave New World* -- Aldous Huxley
An unimpressive combination of Atlas Shrugged, 1984, and Walden Two.
04 Losing My Virginity -- Richard Branson
Women want him. Jarrett wants to be him. Inspiring read.
05 Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency -- Douglas Adams
Final third was lame, but the rest was classic Douglas Adams.
06 Slash -- Slash w/ Anthony Bozza
Great behind-the-scenes look into the train wreck that was GNR.
07 Them -- Nathan McCall
Novel set in Atlanta's Old 4th Ward... good read, unclear message.
08 Brideshead Revisited* -- Evelyn Waugh
Beautifully written. Worthy of its masterpiece status.
09 Valley Boy -- Tom Perkins
Page-turning autobiography of the world's greatest venture capitalist.
10 How Wall Street Created a Nation -- Ovidio Diaz Espino
Fantastic account of how the U.S. raped Panama for the canal.
11 The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul -- Douglas Adams
Strange as usual. Funny, smart, quick, easy, dumb.
12 Keane -- Roy Keane
A page-turning autobiography by the famed Irish international.
13 Waiter Rant -- 'The Waiter'
Fantastic! You'll never see your server the same way again.
-- 2007 --
01 Lucky You -- Carl Hiaasen
Another entertaining beach read. Nothing more. Nothing less.
02 Round Ireland with a Fridge -- Tony Hawks
"A totally purposeless idea, but a damn fine one..." Triumphant!
03 Full Time -- Tony Cascarino w/ Paul Kimmage
His secret life on and off the pitch... fantastic soccer autobiography.
04 The Kite Runner -- Khaled Hosseini
I can't think of a better, more profound book that I've read in years.
05 Dry -- Augusten Burroughs
Similar to James Frey's books... not as powerful, but funnier.
06 The Picture of Dorian Gray -- Oscar Wilde
Dark. Had its moments, but not spectacular. A so-so read.
07 A Good Walk Spoiled -- John Feinstein
One year on the PGA Tour (1994). Fantastic read for golf fans.
08 Searching for the Sound -- Phil Lesh
Grateful Dead... greatest band ever. Touching and insightful.
09 A Thousand Splendid Suns -- Khaled Hosseini
Amazing! Two for two! Might even be better than The Kite Runner.
10 Under the Banner of Heaven -- Jon Krakauer
A frightening portrayal of fundamentalist Mormonism. Fascinating.
-- 2006 --
01 1984* -- George Orwell
Fantastic. The parallels to today's society are eerie.
02 A Million Little Pieces -- James Frey
Believe the hype. One of the best books I've ever read. Ever.
03 One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich -- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
It has it's moments, but remains unspectacular.
04 A Walk Across America -- Peter Jenkins
Easy, fun read. Makes you want to see America.
05 How Soccer Explains the World -- Franklin Foer
Misleading title, but a fantastic look at social issues and soccer.
06 Anna Karenina -- Leo Tolstoy
Too wordy. Too long. Meh.
07 The Kingdom by the Sea -- Paul Theroux
A very good read, but I was ready for it to be over near the end.
08 The Glory Game -- Hunter Davies
Fantastic! One year of Tottenham Hotspur FC. I'm biased. I know.
09 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time -- Mark Haddon
Amazing. Touching. Insightful. Fast.
10 My Friend Leonard -- James Frey
Fiction. Non-Fiction. Doesn't Matter. Loved it.
11 Term Limits -- Vince Flynn
Page-turning spy thriller... a fun read, but a bit over the top.
12 A Confederacy of Dunces -- John Kennedy Toole
Wonderful! Think: An entire novel based on Comic Book Guy.
13 Dude, Where's My Country? -- Michael Moore
Call him crazy, but he said a lot of what I'm thinking. Wait. Damn.
-- 2005 --
01 A Farewell to Arms* -- Ernest Hemingway
It's good, but it didn't really knock me over.
02 Convention -- Richard Reeves
What happened at a political convention... mostly boring.
03 Naked -- David Sedaris
This is Sedaris's best book.
04 Fahrenheit 451* -- Ray Bradbury
Horrible. Why are all these classics classics?
05 The Gringo Trail -- Mark Mann
Fantastic read. Makes you want to travel South America.
06 Catch-22* -- Joseph Heller
One of the best books I've ever read. War is stupid.
07 Animal Farm* -- George Orwell
So, it wasn't just cute barnyard animals. Interesting.
08 Eats, Shoots & Leaves -- Lynne Truss
Everyone should read this and learn how to use punctuation.
09 On the Trail of the Assassins -- Jim Garrison
The book that inspired Oliver Stone's JFK. I'm convinced.
10 The Lord of the Rings* -- J.R.R. Tolkien
A gem. Tolkien is a visionary.
11 A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius -- Dave Eggers
Best book I read in all of 2005.
12 The Death of Ivan Ilyich -- Leo Tolstoy
A guy dies. Pretty boring.
13 The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler -- William L. Shirer
It turns out, this was a children's book. Informative, nevertheless.
14 Winesburg, Ohio -- Sherwood Anderson
Worst book I've read in years.
15 A Beautiful Mind -- Sylvia Nasar
Film shares one consistancy with the book... a window was opened.
16 Lord of the Flies* -- William Golding
17 Grown-A$$ Man -- Cedric the Entertainer
I found this dusty, unread book on a desk at work. Stupid.
18 We the Living* -- Ayn Rand
Rand's best work. When she is on, nobody writes better. Nobody.
19 The Art of Travel -- Alain de Botton
Some good tips on ways to further enjoy traveling. Thanks, Drew.
20 Skinny Dip -- Carl Hiaasen
Hiassen is always good for a laugh. Another fun read.
21 Feel This Book -- Ben Stiller & Janeane Garofalo
This book is so bad it's scary. I left it at the airport in Japan.
22 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance* -- Robert M. Pirsig
Starts off great. Slows in the middle. Finishes strong. Cool book.
23 Turbulent Souls -- Stephen J. Dubner
Further proof that organized religion is rather suspect. Good read.
24 Frankenstein -- Mary Shelley
Not bad, but I still don't see how this was so scary.
-- 2004 --
01 -- Running with Scissors -- Augusten Burrows
Best (and most disturbing) book I read all year.
02 -- Atlas Shrugged* -- Ayn Rand
Hyperbole to the Nth degree. Good in parts, but bad overall.
03 -- The Da Vinci Code -- Dan Brown
Ending was lame, but gripping throughout.
04 -- The Great Gatsby* -- F. Scott Fitzgerald
I hated The Great Gatsby. Why is this so popular?
05 -- On the Road* -- Jack Kerouac
A classic beat generation novel. Lived up to the hype.
06 -- Mayor -- Ed Koch
Ed's the man. This is a fun read. Overly-detailed at times.
07 -- Following the Equator -- Mark Twain
I thought this would be so much better.
08 -- Seabiscuit -- Laura Hillenbrand
Second best book I read all year.
09 -- Big Russ & Me -- Tim Russert
Fast. Fun. Pointless.
10 -- Among the Russians -- Colin Thubron
Good, but only if you plan to travel to or study Russia.
11 -- The Lost Continent -- Bill Bryson
You can never go wrong with Bill Bryson.
12 -- Kidnapped -- Robert Louis Stevenson
Read this in Ecuador. Entertaining. Nothing special.
13 -- Basket Case -- Carl Hiaasen
Read this in Ecuador. Great book. Funny and fast.
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